Analysis - Announcements
Select committee recommendations data now available
Our data on government responses to select committee recommendations on Brexit are now available. They are analysed in our article Select Committees and Brexit: Parliamentary Influence in a Divisive Policy Area. More details of the data and how to download them are on our Data…
Video clips from Parliament and Brexit event, 10 March 2020
We presented research from our project as part of panels at the UK in a Changing Europe’s Parliament and Brexit event on 10 March 2020 in London. Photos from the event are here. Videos from each of the panels are available online: Adam Cygan spoke…
Parliament and Brexit report released
Research from our project features in a new report on Parliament and Brexit, published by the UK in a Changing Europe, University College London’s Constitution Unit and the University of Leicester. The report explores key questions about how Parliament adjusts to a post-Brexit context. It…
Data from our article ‘All Brexiteers Now?’ are available
You can now access the data used in Philip Lynch and Richard Whitaker’s article ‘All Brexiteers now? Brexit, the Conservatives and Party Change’ on the Data page.
New article: All Brexiteers now? Brexit, the Conservatives and party change
How much is Brexit bringing about change within the UK Conservative Party? Philip Lynch and Richard Whitaker have published an article in the journal British Politics dealing with this question. The research is based on an original dataset created by the authors to establish positions on…