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Rudd’s resignation and the Conservatives’ Brexit divide


Philip Lynch and Richard Whitaker Sajid Javid’s appointment as Home Secretary following Amber Rudd’s resignation, coupled with James Brokenshire’s return, leaves unchanged the number of Cabinet ministers who voted Remain in the 2016 EU referendum. But the dynamics have changed. Javid’s opposition to a customs…

What would be a ‘Good’ Brexit for Leicester and Leicestershire?


Professor Adam Cygan In the June 2016 referendum the County of Leicestershire overwhelmingly voted ‘leave’ while the City of Leicester narrowly backed ‘remain’. The overall picture in Leicester and Leicestershire was consistent with the broader pattern of voting in England with strong evidence that voters…

Select committee inquiries on Brexit: opportunities and challenges


Philip Lynch and Richard Whitaker   The process of leaving the European Union (EU) brings opportunities and challenges for House of Commons select committees. Previous research shows how their inquiries can influence policy and bring expert evidence to discussions of government policies. On the issue…

Select committee composition: the Brexit divide


Philip Lynch and Richard Whitaker Select committees are among the most significant tools available to MPs for scrutinising government and shaping the agenda. With a small number of exceptions, these are now up and running for the 2017-19 session. Many select committees are holding, or…